Better done than perfect

Is there a coincidence about the time or my brain had really planned from the beginning that August was somehow a changing point in my life?

Yep! My last post dates from August 3, 2014. We’re now August 10, 2018.

Gosh! It’s been 4 years and 7 days since I, so to speak, gave birth to my first baby, this blog.

Yep! I’m ashamed.

Even if could line up all the excuses I gave myself to not write and to keep going on nurturing this “baby”, my intellectual baby, deep inside me, I knew that it was indeed my choice, a voluntary one, to stop writing.

People often say that they’re sorry that they didn’t have time to do this or that, when in reality they just didn’t find the real motivation to do whatever this or that was. Obviously I’m part of these people.

But then could someone please try to explain to me: How’s that possible that one can just assassinate their own beloved * “thing”?

* Well,  for me in that case it was my blog idea. For you it could be really anything that you’ve been planning to do and you just didn’t. Strangely, despite all the good reasons you and I could have had to keep doing it,  for some psychologically conscious or unconscious process, WE ended up here: just NOT DOING it!

Shame on us, YEP!

It is really a sad and shameful realization that I’d chosen it. It is my responsibility and mine only that I created this blog four years ago, feeling so happy to bring to life my idea of sharing ideas with hope that this would bring something positive, not only for myself, but also for this chaotic world of ours.

I’d like to add that I was never comfortable with the choice I did. I was clearly in a cognitive dissonance but the cause wasn’t yet clear to me.

Thus, while on the back of my mind I was looking for the reasons I’d chosen to watch my so to speak “baby” slowly die before my eyes, I come across some smart people with interesting ideas that later, helped me to start to understand what was going on on my head.

The following lines sum up the notions that I’ll develop on my next posts. These are some of the ideas that helped me address my cognitive dissonance, this state of mental tension and discomfort, because I couldn’t understand why my brain had decided that I should be in a state of inaction towards something that I’d put so much of my energy to create. These ideas came from simple and wise notions that I’ve got from these smart people:

Better done then perfect (Elizabeth Gilbert, author)

Good enough (Aamnah, Psychologist)

Why aren’t you taking action? (Broke Castillo, self coach, author and entrepreneur)

Better late then never (A worldwide quote from uncertain author)

Maybe you will think that this is crazy  talk or maybe you’ll find some sense in what I’m sharing here, but if you’re curious like I was to understand why my brain was sabotaging my project, keep tuned for my next posts!